Hire Bubble Soccer Party Rentals for your Next Party

The new party game in Florida is bubble soccer. It is a great sport for large groups. You can play it outdoors, or on basketball court floors with wooden flooring. It combines soccer’s physicality with the crazy zorbing. Knockerballs are inflatable plastic balls that cover the upper body of players. It is left to the players’ legs whether they run or kick the ball. Both teams try to score the most goals possible by kicking through their opponent’s goal. As the knockerballs shield the players, slamming against each other in the middle of the field is part and parcel of the game. The bubble soccer rental equipment https://opusrentals.com/ is perfect for Florida parties.

Why renting bubble soccer equipment makes it easier to purchase?

The bubble soccer rental equipment https://opusrentals.com/ is perfect for Florida parties. It allows you to enjoy the game without having to worry about transporting or setting up equipment. Knockerball sends an official to guide the players and set up all the equipment. This equipment consists of bubble soccer balls, soccer ball with nets, cones that mark out the play area, and two goals. When the game ends, the referee takes down all the equipment and deflates knockerballs. You can save money and time by renting equipment to use at a party.

Bubble Soccer Tips

All players should have fun as the first goal of this sport. It is a sport that can be played by men and woman of any age as long they are fit and able to run in it. You will only need a T shirt and loose-fitting shorts, along with running shoes. Knockerballs are designed to make it easier for you to see through their top and lower areas. The knockerball can also be used in other team games, such as Last Man Standing – the winner is the person who remains standing after all players have fallen, Red Rover or Kill the Chief.

Safety precautions for renting Bubble Soccer Equipment

There are some precautions to take when renting bubble football for parties in Florida. It is important to properly inflate the knockerballs with either a blower, or pump. When the ball becomes as taut and as large as a football, you have reached the correct level of inflation. It has two wrist straps and a set of straps that can be worn by the player to help them grip the knockerball. The straps must remain in place to keep the ball from moving while you play. While playing, avoid loose items such as jewelry and spectacles. It is best to play in well-lit places and stop the game if heavy winds or rain are forecast. Knockerballs should not be wetted as this can lead to injury. Rocks, sticks and stones can harm the equipment as well as the players.